About TruE Disciple
The Ministry
We are all about making disciples who leave the comfort zone of the church building to go and preach the gospel and make disciples. We are a parachurch ministry designed to come along side the church to equip it for the work of the Lord.

True Disciple offers an exciting new book that can be read individually or in a small group. We've added great discussion questions at the end of each chapter. We also provide short, but powerful weekly audio messages, educational articles, up-to-date blog posts, and very soon the new True Disciple School. It is our belief that, with God's help, this training will transform the average Christian into a true disciple. Like the original disciples of Jesus, true disciples are world changers.

The Author
The Bible is filled with ordinary people who do extraordinary things. Rod Nichols is one of those ordinary people. He enjoyed years of high level success in the corporate world, before becoming a successful entrepreneur. Then, as God so often does, Rod was called from the business world into ministry.
Rod received Jesus as his Savior late in life and was quickly vaulted into ministry. At the Lord's direction and with His assistance, Rod formed and built a large men's ministry at the church where he received the Lord. He also was part of two church planting teams, served as the volunteer director for two Promise Keepers events, operated a traveling teaching ministry, and co-founded a ministry for men struggling with sexual addiction, and now serves as the Executive Pastor at AZ Vineyard Church in Goodyear, AZ.
Through the years, Rod has published four business books and seven Christian books, including his new book, Where Did All the People Go? To learn more about the book or order a copy, click HERE.
Although, in his younger years, Rod suffered with an extreme fear of public speaking, he is now an accomplished speaker. He has spoken at business conferences and conventions, church retreats and conferences, and delivered many sermons and training classes in churches. If you would like to discuss booking Rod to speak at your church or an event, please use the email below.