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What’s In Your Hand?

Rod Nichols

So many people feel that they can only serve at church, as an usher, greeter, on the worship team, or in some other place of service. Perhaps there is also the occasional community outreach. What about when Jesus said to go and preach the gospel to the world and to make disciples, baptizing and teaching them? Maybe you think that only the “professionals” do that, but when Jesus was talking, there were no professionals. He was talking to his true disciples, who were just ordinary people. It’s possible you don’t think that you have any talents or abilities to offer God.

Moses was one of those regular, non-talented guys, working a typical job (shepherd), had a family and was minding his own business, when God called him to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Moses was questioning the calling and why the Israelites would believe him, when God said, “what are you holding?”

Moses was holding his shepherd’s staff – what he used to guide the sheep. God told Moses to throw it down and it turned into a snack. God can take whatever you have in your hand and use it to do ministry.

Think about what you are good at – maybe you love to talk and God could use your gift of gab or perhaps you are the quiet, introverted type, but don’t mind moving things around, again, God can use this in service. Are you a good writer? Can you cook or bake? Do you have talent with numbers? Have you been married a long time and it’s a good marriage? Do you have a physical talent such as plumbing, carpentry, or are good at repairing things? Can you paint or lay carpet/flooring? Do you have a car and enjoy driving. Are you good with computers? Can you draw?

These are all talents that God has given you and each one can be used in ministry, if you release yourself to God’s will, rather than saying you can’t serve. Look at what’s in your hand and then offer it to God. He fed over 10,000 people with a few fishes and loaves. You’ll be amazed at what He can do with your little.


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