TRue DIsciple Academy
Rod Nichols was dramatically impacted by a training class many years ago. It moved him from a typical church attender to the true disciple he is today. Rod has always wanted to do the same for others and the new True Disciple Academy (TDA) is how he will accomplish this. TDA is your chance to learn from and be mentored by Pastor Rod Nichols, while interacting with other true disciples. This academy will dramatically change your life for the better. Your relationship with the Lord will be deeper and richer. You will easily and boldly proclaim the good news of salvation and lead people to Jesus. You will then make disciples who make disciples.

One day in prayer, the Lord referred to the True Disciple Academy as "Bible School for the rest of us". If you have ever thought about going back to Bible School or Seminary, the True Disciple Academy is a great alternative.
All the courses are virtual, so you can work through them at your pace. This is high end education with no tests, papers, or grades. Attending a Bible College or Seminary would cost you $10,000 per year or more. You can enroll in the True Disciple Academy for a tiny fraction of the cost.
Our mission is to equip the body of Christ for this next great awakening. God is getting ready to move in a way we have never seen since the day of Pentecost. The prophetic voices are saying that a billion people will be saved. We are going to need a lot of true disciples to disciple all those new believers. Will you be one the Lord can trust with this task? The True Disciple Academy will equip you to do just that!
As a student in the True Disciple Academy you will receive:
One-on-one Zoom coaching session (1 hour) with Pastor Rod Nichols
Weekly group Zoom coaching session
Video-based and live Zoom courses with Pastor Rod and other great teachers
Private Facebook community with other true disciples
Signed and personalized copy of Rod's book, True Disciple.
Electronic version of Rod's Bible Study Guide