Rod Nichols

Author, Speaker, & Coach
Welcome to my web site. God has blessed me with a great life, amazing marriage, and the ability to write and help people live successfully. My experience includes over three decades of marketing, advertising, writing, and business ownership. That includes a number of years of failure and many more successful years. If you're looking for a creative mind to assist with your marketing or advertising, let me know. I love to help people succeed in business and in life, so click on the Services, Shop, and Resources links above to learn more. Also, feel free to click on the brown button to the right and check out my blog. I write on a variety of interesting subjects. If you are looking for a internet-based home business and want to work directly with me, click on the yellow button to the right. Finally, if you would like to contact me, you'll find my email address below and definitely connect with me through Facebook and Twitter.

Check out my new True Disciple web site at:
www.TrueDisciple.Info. You will find great articles, blog posts, and resources for those who want to be True Disciples of Jesus Christ.