Rod Nichols
I am first and foremost a disciple of Jesus Christ and founder of True Disciple, www.TrueDisciple.Info. Our mission is to help Christians become true disciples of Jesus Christ; to go out from behind the building walls to make other disciples at home, work, in the neighborhood and community.
My business background includes 10 years in corporate America with IBM, Motorola, and Xerox where I held sales and management positions. That experience led me to over 30 years of business ownership including a retail store, consulting company, advertising agency, cellular telephone distributorship, and several network marketing businesses.
My expertise in network marketing led to a career in writing with the pubishing of my first book, Successful Network Marketing for the 21st Century. It was followed by ten other books (5 more on network marketing, one on Biblical finances, a fictional novel, and my most recent books, True Disciple, Breaking Through, God's Financial Plan, and Where Did All the People Go? I have also published hundreds of articles in both print and electronic media and have been a regular contributor to several online magazines, including Entrepreneur and The Network Marketing Magazine.
As a published author, I have been asked to speak at conferences and other events with as many as 5,000 people in attendance. My speaking engagements have included keynotes, expert panels, training seminars, webinars, and teleconferences.
I've also been blessed to personally coach many people in business, marriage, and life.
I have been married to my beautiful and amazing wife, Karen since 1988. We have five children, nine grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Karen and I live in Phoenix, AZ, but enjoy traveling throughout the U.S. and to many tropical places.